1. Ownership Transfer Online Process:
Ownership transfer request is now online through IGL web portal. Register and upload documents online in
case PNG connection ownership change is required due to following reasons:
1.Visit our website www.iglonline.net for online functionality of ownership transfer click customer login under customer zone.
2.Kindly self-login submit documents and register request
NOTES: Login Conditions
a) BP is already Sign up and new owner is having the Login id and password Customer to login and submit request.
b)BP is sign up but do not know id and password
Kindly call 24x7customer care no. to change the registered Mobile No. and Email ID.
Post that go to Customer login and select Forgot Password tab.
Confirmation mail will be received on registered email id to reset password with Login Id and
Password. Then login and submit request.
c)BP No sign Up: Sign up first Customer to login and submit request
3.Post login click on the Ownership transfer tile. Upload required documents (Refer doc details) and submit.
Terms and Conditions
1. In case of outstanding kindly make the payment of due amount. Request will be generated only after
realisation of outstanding amount.
2. Upload desired documents as per User manual .On submitting the documents request will be generated.
3. The request will be attended within 14 days of request creation.
4. Documents verification will be done and changes will be updated in new owner’s name if documents
submitted are correct in all respect.
5. In case documents are incomplete, request will be closed and intimation will be given to the customer.
New request to be raised again by customer with complete documents.
6. A charge of Rs. 500 + GST (Rs. 590/-) shall be levied for successful change of ownership. The charges
will be raised in upcoming invoice.
For any query you can connect with our customer care at 24x7 customer care no. 011-41387000/011-
49835100 /011-69020500/011-69020400
Find below the links for User guidelines for documentation, and NOC formats.
2. Minor spelling error in name or address landmark correction :
For minor spelling error in name or address landmark correction customer is required to send email
at updatekyc@igl.co.in from registered email-id mentioning the desired correction you can also connect
with our customer care at 24x7 customer care no. 011-41387000/011-49835100 /011-69020500/011-
69020400. The same will be updated within 5 working days.